Aggieland Adventures
Our Labor Day weekend was very lacking in the labor department indeed. However, the A&M football team "did work, son" (did I just say that?). Zach was an extremely happy camper post-game, even treating me to midnight Mickey Dee's. Nothing quite says celebratory dinner like the Dollar Menu. We had a great time with Katy and Caleb, even if we did spend two hours locked in Katy's room playing The Song Game (i.e. someone thinks of a word such as "love" and you take turns coming up with a song that contains the word, thus filling your head with Beatles classics and singing "Can't Buy Me Love" through an entire college football game). We had fun.
I'll let the pictures tell the rest.
I'll let the pictures tell the rest.
First College Station stop: Wings 'n More. Forget Disneyland, this is Zach's favorite place on earth.
Wooly mammoth, anyone?
Second stop: bowling alley. The X represents strikes that we (okay, I) were not making.
Someone had to come out a winner.... :)
Zach spent entirely too much on game cards and this is what we had to show for it. (Yes, had. Before the trip home)
Oh yeah, and a sticky rubber eyeball. We had that to show for it, too.
The eyeball provided lots of entertainment.
Next stop: Midnight Yell
After church on Sunday Zach made a beeline for Rudy's. We weren't mad. (Katy accurately labeled this "the creeper picture")
We just discovered this weekend that Zach and Katy have the same signature dimple, just on opposite cheeks. This was big news, people; Fullwood genes are strong.
Zach learned a new phrase this weekend...happy wife=happy life. Thankfully he makes me very, very happy.
Behold, Chef Fullwood
Katy introduced us to a little chunk of heaven on earth known as Yogurtland. You choose a flavor of yogurt and then fill it with toppings all by yourself. Seriously, heaven. We unleashed our inner six-year-old.
full smiles, even fuller tummies
Oh yeah, my husband chowed down with a Hello Kitty spoon. I cherished that moment for it will never, ever happen again.
This t-shirt got a lot of attention.
I cannot begin to express to you the magnitude of this picture. This is Zach's hero, Von Miller, who graduated from A&M last year and is now playing for the Denver Broncos. Supposedly our first son will be named Von Miller Fullwood....I'm not feeling it.
Almost game time!
Poor Katy had to crutch it up all day...but she was a trooper.
Zach got an autograph from Terrence Murphy, a 2005 graduate who went on to play for the Green Bay Packers but is now a real estate agent. Hook it up, yo.
Ready for some football! (and sweating...lots of sweating)
If you look reeeeeally hard, you might see Katy and Caleb in the top left corner. Zach had the binoculars out and we played Where's Waldo during warm-up.
The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band. My favorite part of the show. I mean game.
Okay, I cheated....this was taken after we got back to Houston. I just had to show some love to our favorite cornbread muffins in the whole world from Jason's Deli. Is your mouth watering yet?
Hope your Labor Day weekend was wonderful!
Hope your Labor Day weekend was wonderful!