New Rugs

Last week, I was wandering around Ross in search of some housewares on the cheap. I've been looking for a few small rugs for our front and back doors and the hallway between our sitting room and kitchen. I wanted something bright and fun, yet organic looking. When I found these rugs for $6.99 each, I knew my search was over. Even Z is a fan!

front door rug
As you can see, I need to replace our fall welcome mat with something a little more springy
hallway rug
backdoor rug
I realize "you get what you pay for" and these rugs won't last forever, but we're okay with that. We're from Texas afterall; we stomp around in muddy boots. No sense in wasting $100 on a rug that won't last more than a year anyway.

We're also in the market for a large rug for our living room that we actually want to splurge on but haven't had any luck finding one we both like....any suggestions? You ladies all have such fabulous taste! Any tips are greatly appreciated :)