13 Weeks

Hi, friends! The past thirteen weeks have been a whirlwind of wonderful, exciting, and at times overwhelming emotion. It's finally sinking in for both Zach and me that this little peanut growing inside of me will actually be coming out to meet us in six months! It's such a beautiful thing. We realize more everyday just how blessed we truly are.

To our sweet baby:
We already love you beyond what you'll ever understand. You are perfect (even if you do make mommy really sick sometimes!) and we are eagerly anticipating the day we get to meet your precious little self.

p.s. Please don't laugh too hard at these pictures...apparently I thought awkward posture would enhance the "bump". Didn't really work out.
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Baby Size: 3 inches long, about 1 ounce
Total Weight Gain: None
Maternity Clothes? Nope
Stretch Marks? Not yet...hoping it stays that way!
Sleep: Like a champ. Never slept so much in my life.
Best moment this week: Finding out it's a boy! Zach has been on cloud nine; I absolutely love seeing him so excited. It's the cutest thing ever.
Miss Anything? Having normal mornings. I'm used to the throwing up by now, but it'll be nice when it goes away.
Movement: Haven't felt anything yet :(
Food Cravings: All kinds of BBQ....pulled pork, brisket, smoked chicken. Oh and pasta! Lots and lots of pasta. I'm wondering if Zach has Italian roots he hasn't told me about...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Unfortunately yes, too many to list. The strangest is probably pizza. The thought of pizza ruins my appetite, which is so weird because I normally love it.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Not even close
Belly button in or out? Still normal
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Not moody unless watching Lifetime...but that's typical.
Looking forward to: Z's birthday this Saturday and going home next week for little brother's graduation!