16 Weeks

Hi, y'all! I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since the last baby update. Shame on me! One thing I have been semi-on top of is Tiny's nursery. We are heading to Lowe's this afternoon to get some paint and a few other things. Our nursery inspiration is coming mostly from Katy at Twenty Three Oh One (seen here); isn't Parker's little nursery just perfect? Katy did an awesome job. We also decided yesterday, while in World Market, that Tiny's bathroom will be "ducky" themed. Not too original, but cute nonetheless.

If anyone has crib advice/recommendations, we would love to hear! It feels like we've looked at hundreds of cribs by now, and they're all becoming a blur. Who knew having a baby would put our decision making skills to the ultimate test? I can't even decide on burp cloths. We're in trouble, folks.

To our Baby Boy:
We can't wait to meet your sweet little self. We talk about it every day; what it will be like to finally hold you and kiss your tiny button nose. We pray for your health and that you are loving all the juicy cheeseburgers Mommy's feeding you. Please keep dancin' around in there; it's the best feeling in the world.
How Far Along: 16 weeks
Baby Size: 4 1/2 inches long, 3 1/2 ounces
Total Weight Gain: None
Maternity Clothes? Nope, but bought my first pair of maternity jeans yesterday (for $7!)
Stretch Marks? Not yet but investing in cocoa butter lotion soon...
Sleep: Constantly! I'm normally such a night owl but Zach is loving the fact that I'm now the one climbing in bed at 9pm.
Best moment this week: Feeling sweet, tiny kicks yesterday. It was so amazing. I was watching Gilmore Girls and I think he liked it. Can you blame him?
Miss Anything? Sweets!! My sweet tooth has strangely disappeared; I never even want ice cream. I'm still eating candy almost every day, but no chocolate. Weird!
Movement: Oh yes :). Little butterfly kicks from our Tiny Dancer.
Food Cravings: It changes every few days, but right now I'm really loving microwavable mac 'n cheese. Yes, the powder kind. Kind of gross when you think about it. Oh and granny smith apples with crunchy peanut butter is a daily snack, too.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not as much as the last 3 months, but still feeling icky in the mornings. I know it sounds like I'm just trying to get out of housework (hehe), but washing dishes really grosses me out right now. It's made me throw up three times in the last few weeks. Good thing Z is a helpful husband!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not even close
Belly button in or out? Still normal
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely happy. We are starting to get nursery plans in the works and that gets me really excited!
Looking forward to: Zach's first Father's Day. Any ideas on what to get a Daddy-to-be?? I'm not good at male gifting!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!