17 Weeks

I woke up last Monday, forced myself out of bed, and immediately noticed my belly sticking out a wee bit further than normal. I texted Zach right away, "Tiny is growing!!!!!"

We made a trip to IKEA yesterday and found several goodies for the nursery, which is coming along slowly but surely. I can't wait to share it with you guys! We are yet to begin painting because, well, we don't like painting rooms. We've only done it once before and swore "never again", yet somehow Tiny is encouraging us to bust out the paint brushes one more time. We must really love you, Little Fullwood!

To our Baby Boy:
We can't believe you're finally starting to show your little self! You really love fruit Gushers and Chocolate Cheerios, which is perfectly fine by Mommy. Dad says you need carrots, but we're not doing so well in that department. Your little kicks make us think you're going to be a soccer player, or maybe you're just trying to get our attention. Either way, keep 'em comin'. We are so anxious to meet you and pray for your health and growth every single day.

How Far Along: 17 weeks
Baby Size: 5 inches long, 5 ounces
Total Weight Gain: 2 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Nope, but keep buying them just in case I wake up one day and can't button my britches!
Stretch Marks? Not yet...
Sleep: All the time. Not as exhausted as I was during the first trimester which is nice.
Best moment this week: Waking up and finally seeing a noticable bump!
Miss Anything? Being able to drink cokes all the time
Movement: Yes and I love it :)
Food Cravings: BBQ (ate at Rudy's 3 times last week), Gushers, sweet tea, Smashburger (my faaaaavorite)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still getting sick in the morning (about twice a week), but overall MUCH better
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not even close
Belly button in or out? Still normal
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Our sweet baby boy is healthy and we feel so blessed.
Looking forward to: My family coming to visit next weekend...can't wait to see y'all!