19 Weeks

Hi, y'all! Thank you so much for all your sweet words and encouragement on the previous pregnancy posts; you sure know how to make a momma (and baby!) feel special. I love hearing advice and tips from all of you, so please keep them coming!

This week was a great one yet flew by much too quickly. We saw Zach's cousin Callie and her husband Casey twice this weekend, which was a treat! We also took a spur-of-the-moment trip to Lousisiana yesterday (Swamp People, anyone?) which turned out to be a much needed little adventure. As I made Zach pull through the McDonald's drive thru at 10:45pm, I realized that we were on our fifth meal of the day (not to be mistaken for the infamous Taco Bell "fourth meal"). That's right, fifth! Tiny is really growing. Did I mention this was all after going to a storage auction yesterday morning (Storage Wars, anyone?)....guess you know Zach's favorite TV channel. Livin' the dream, people, livin' the dream.

To our sweet Baby Boy:
How quickly you have completely turned our world upside down in the most wonderful of ways. Every little kick (and there are lots of them) is a reminder of just how precious your life is and what a beautiful blessing you are. You are really craving sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast burritos these days, and Mommy is loving that you're loving them. You also like McDonalds french fries and ice cream, paired together, which is a surprisingly perfect mix of salty and sweet. I have a strong feeling you inherited Daddy's love of Mickey D's, which makes him proud. We can't wait to see your little face at our doctor's appointment on Thursday; I'll be sure and feed you a burrito beforehand so maybe we'll get a smile :).

How Far Along: 19 weeks
Baby Size: 6 inches long, 8 1/2  ounces
Total Weight Gain: 3-4 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? They aren't really necessary, but wearing some just for comfort
Stretch Marks? Nope...using my stretch mark cream every night!
Sleep: Wonderfully...9-11 hours a night
Best moment this week: Taking a spontaneous road trip to Louisiana on Saturday with my sweet husband
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my tummy :(
Movement: Lots! Every time I sit still I feel Tiny in action
Food Cravings: sweet tea, breakfast burritos, mac 'n cheese, Panda Express orange chicken
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not anymore, thank heavens
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still normal
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited!
Looking forward to: Our one year anniversary tomorrow and getting busy on the nursery this week :)

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!