Five Things

Things have been pretty quiet and rainy around here this week, which Baby and I are thoroughly enjoying. We're catching up on crafts (Mom and I busted out the sewing maching last weekend), watching entirely too many Real Housewives episodes, and even baking cookies! Yes, the sweet tooth is making a comeback. Reunited and it feels so good.

quite possibly the best purchase I've ever made...smells sweet and is so creamy on my skin (plus, hopefully it'll keep those lovely little stretch marks away!)

fabric from Hobby Lobby waiting to be sewn into burp cloths for Tiny
a (temporarily) full candy jar
new "diaper bag" Z sweetly insisted we purchase (after he saw "the look" in my eye)
It isn't officially a diaper bag, but it's the perfect sized satchel for Baby and I to venture out in style :)

Zach's favorite birthday present...and I kind of love it too. We like to get up on Saturday morning, cook bacon and pancakes, and dance around the kitchen to Marty Robbin's "El Paso".

What are you loving this week?