21 Weeks

This week was full of fun, family, and food....three of our very favorite things. We went home for the Fourth and visited Zach's family for a few days; it was a quick but memorable trip. They feed us so well when we're home; every meal is a feast. We love it! Zach's grandma even made her famous homemade mashed potatoes and brownies one night...Tiny loved them.

To our sweet Baby Boy:
Oh Baby, where to start? You are absolutely ruling our lives and we wouldn't have it any other way. Your big anatomy scan was this morning and everything was perfect. You are right on track! You weigh right at a pound and have a strong, steady heartbeat. You also have big hands for such a little guy! Your Daddy says "the better to catch a football with". You cooperated with the sono tech for a while, then got embarrassed of being photographed naked and put your sweet hand over your face. I don't blame you! Shame on us for intruding your privacy. 

Daddy ordered a sheepskin rug for your nursery and it came in last week; it is so soft! We really hope you'll love it as much as we do. Your great-grandmothers bought you lots of new outfits, bibs, blankets, and shoes while we were home last week....your closet is quickly filling up! Now all we need is for you to get here :). We love you, Tiny.   

How Far Along: 21 weeks, 3 days
Baby Size: 10 1/2 inches long, 1 lb.
Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? A few, like my new favorite dress in the pictures above (scored it at Target for $8....70% off!). It shows my belly better than anything else I own so I love wearing it.
Stretch Marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Ohhhh yes. So far, sleeping has been wonderful throughout this pregnancy.
Best moment this week: Going home and spending a few days with Z's sweet family. We had so much fun shooting fireworks, eating (too much) yummy food, and seeing our precious nephew Kamdon. This morning was wonderful, too; seeing Tiny's little face and watching him wiggle around was incredible. It's still hard to fathom a tiny life growing in my belly!
Miss Anything? Cokes! I wish I could drink them all day long.
Movement: Yes....about the same as last week. He's a dancer like his daddy. He also shares his momma's love for Bob Dylan; he does a little jive every time he hears "Mr. Tambourine Man".
Food Cravings: Sweet tea, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, chocolate milk, sweet potato fries, Oreos & milk
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not at all except yesterday...Zach and I went to Rudy's and I had to run to the bathroom while we waited to order. Poor Z didn't know what was going on. I think my tummy just got too empty and Tiny was letting me know about it!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still normal looking, but it feels like it could pop out any day now.
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited!
Looking forward to: Seeing my parents and grandmother this week...they are coming down for a visit to H-Town. My grandmother's never been, so I can't wait to show her all the shopping The Woodlands has to offer :).

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!