Trip Home

Last Wednesday I flew home for my sweet friend Tanya's bridal shower (adorably Breakfast at Tiffany's themed). I absolutely love going back to West Texas; it brings back so many wonderful memories of growing up and spending time with friends and family is invaluable. Here are a few snapshots of the weekend; shower pictures coming soon!

flying necessities: pretty scarf, People magazine, Fuze juice, and cell phone
My bff Brittney, aka Beanie, made a special trip through Sweetwater just for a quick visit! Her baby girl Dolly made the trip, too.
lemon poppy seed and blueberry muffins for Tanya's bridal brunch
We were instructed to wear our best little black dress and a big hat to the Audrey-themed shower. It was such fun playing dress up!

Thank you all so much for your incredibly thoughtful birthday wishes; it was the best birthday yet! Maybe soon Z will stop lovingly reminding me that I'm now "a quarter of a century old" :).