25 Weeks

For some reason, twenty-five weeks feels like a pregnancy milestone. Maybe it's almost reaching the third trimester that feels so monumental, or maybe I'm just so in love with Little Man that every day feels like a special occasion, a big ol' party, in my belly.

We worked our fingers to the bone this weekend trying to finish Tiny's nursery wainscoting, and I'm pretty proud to say that all we have left is one final coat of paint. I can't wait to share pictures with you guys when it's all done! Zach has been incredible through this whole process; he has amazed me with his newfound carpentry skills and diligence. I couldn't keep from thinking all weekend, "Baby and I are the luckiest people in the world. Just look at how much he loves us". We're kinda crazy about him, too.

To our Baby Boy:
Oh Tiny, you are one funny little man. I'm not sure why, but your movements always make me laugh uncontrollably. Your Dad twists and turns and flops around right before he falls asleep, and I just know that you are in there doing the exact same thing. We made the mistake of watching women's gymnastics last week and immediately afterwards, you thought you were an Olympian. Your somersaults rivaled those of Gabby Douglas, and you vaulted phenomenally off my bladder (again and again and again). Let's just say that if there was a medal for keeping Mom awake, you would have gotten the gold.

We love you and can't wait to kiss your sweet little cheeks. Keep up the training, Tiny; we want you to grow big and strong.

How Far Along: 25 weeks, 3 days
Baby Size: 14 inches, 1 1/2 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Mostly just dresses and flowy skirts
Stretch Marks? Not yet...hoping it stays this way
Sleep: It was pretty rough for about a week, but is getting better. Zach bought me a super soft body pillow that I've been cuddling with and it's made falling asleep much easier. Thanks, Z :)
Best moment this week: Watching my husband work like crazy on his little boy's nursery. He loves him so much already.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. I still wake up on it from time to time and have to readjust.
Movement: Lots! A few nights ago, I was laying on my side and could feel him kicking me on the far right side of my stomach and punching (or head-butting) me on the far left. It was such a strange, but awesome, feeling! I can't believe he's already big enough to stretch out like that.
Food Cravings: Chocolate milk, brown rice, yogurt (actually some semi-healthy things for once!)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope...feeling great
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still an innie, but starting to look a little funky. Zach told me last night, "That thing's on it's last leg".
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I really want to soak up the last few months of pregnancy, especially since the first few were so rough.
Looking forward to: Going to Colorado in a few weeks to see my good friend Whitney (she blogs over here) and my little brother Ryan at the Air Force Academy. Love them both and am dying to spend some time in the mountains!