28 Weeks (Third Trimester!)

Third trimester....say whaaa?! Pretty much staring at those words on the computer screen like a deer in headlights. It's shocking, yet wonderfully exciting, to think that we are so close to meeting our Little One. This also puts new stress on this Momma as I begin to think of all the things that need to be done in such a short time. Number one on that list? Soaking up every minute of Baby being inside my belly. Every hiccup, every karate chop, even every lovely bout of heartburn is a reminder of this indescribable time I get to share with our Little Boy. The appointments and to-do list can wait...I'm busy loving this tiny, new life.
To our Baby Boy:
We've taken you lots of places this past week and you kicked your way right through them all. You especially loved the Journey concert; you played tons of air guitar and seemed to really enjoy Pat Benatar. Good taste in music, Little Man! Never listen to your Dad when he says "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" is a chick song. You really want cheeseburgers and fries these days, and Momma is gladly giving in to your wishes. We are counting down the hours until we get to see you on the big screen for your 4d ultrasound tomorrow. Please flash us a smile! We love you, Tiny.
How Far Along: 28 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: 15 inches, 2 1/4 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 14-15 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Mostly dresses and flowy skirts with a few maternity shorts thrown in the mix.
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report!
Sleep: Sleep has been wonderful the past week. Praying it stays that way!
Best moment this week: Feeling Tiny have the hiccups (twice)...such a sweet feeling.
Miss Anything? Vanilla lattes from Starbucks
Movement: Lots, and still loving it
Food Cravings: Anything with ketchup. I didn't crave fried or fast food at ALL the first 26 weeks or so; I would turn down Sonic and Whataburger, which blew Zach's mind. Now the french fry/burger cravings are really starting to kick in. Little Man wants grease.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still an innie, barely
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but moody a time or two this week. Sorry Zach :/
Looking forward to:
1. Baby's big 4d ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. We can't wait to see his sweet face!
2. Going to a storage auction tomorrow morning....Zach is especially pumped. He watches entirely too much Storage Wars.
3. Flying to Colorado on Wednesday to spend a few days with one of my favorite people, Whitney (over at Keeping Up with the Cyperts). We plan on doing some baking and thrift shopping, two of our favorite things. I'm also getting to see my little brother and parents in Colorado Springs for a couple days. I've missed Ryan so much!
Hope you've all had an amazing weekend! Thanks for reading :)