29 Weeks

Hi, friends! I'm sorry this update is a little late (as in almost a week late...) but it's my goal to have every single week recorded to look back on after Little Man gets here. I want him to see someday just how happy and anxious his Momma and Daddy were in preparation for his arrival.
To our sweet Baby Boy:
 You have been such a travelin' champ the past week. Thank you for being patient with your Mom and all her plane rides, long drives, and unpredictable sleeping patterns. You were a little trooper through it all, perfectly content eating loads of ice cream and Chili's queso. Uncle Ryan loved getting to actually see you for the first time (you were much too small back in June) and even gave you the biggest, sweetest kiss before telling you goodbye. The next time he sees you, he'll be able to kiss your soft, chubby cheeks. He loves you already, as do we.
p.s. I'm sorry you keep getting the hiccups, but Mommy loves them. Cutest thing ever.
How Far Along: 29 weeks, 2 days (at the time of these pictures)
Baby Size: 15 inches, 3 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 15-16 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Mostly comfy dresses and skirts, and maternity shorts/pants are a must now.
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report!
Sleep: Sleeping great...hoping it lasts
Best moment this week: Seeing my little brother, parents, and bff Whitney in Colorado. Getting out of the humidity was nice, too :) 
Miss Anything? Hot tubs! It was hard being at the hotel with my family and not being able to relax in the hot tub with them.
Movement: Lots this week as usual. It's getting a little painful at times as Little Man grows (and improves his karate chops)
Food Cravings: ICE CREAM. I can honestly say the infamous ice cream cravings have set in. I'm really wanting coffee flavored, which I'm assuming has caffeine but I'm a bad girl and eat it anyway. Last night I made the strangest concoction...filled a big glass full of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, poured in about a cup of milk, and topped it off with a chopped up Twix bar (just for good measure). Tiny was in heaven.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Got a little queasy at the dentist today, but felt fine afterwards.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still an innie, barely
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy unless not fed
Looking forward to: The first A&M football game this weekend! Z is beyond excited; it's really cute. He even designed and ordered Baby and me a special shirt just for the game...hoping it gets here in time!

Happy Hump Day, y'all! Can't wait to finish catching up on all of your posts!