32 Weeks

 I'm really strange about numbers. I set my alarm clock for 8:17am, tell Zach I'll "be there in 9 minutes", and count down the days 'til Christmas starting in July (there are 92, for the record). It's no wonder that I ran around the house squealing like a crazy person on Friday afternoon when I realized that I can count on one hand, ONE HAND!, the weeks we have left until Tiny is full-term. Mind officially blown. Heart officially spilling over.
To our Baby Boy:
We're not exactly sure how much you weigh at this point, but Mommy's back says it's about 38 pounds. You're getting to be such a big boy! Your Dad loves taking you to A&M football games, even if you can only hear the excitement as of now. He thinks he's "training you early"; I'm training you to love hot dogs, popcorn, and Lemon Chills. We can't wait until you're big enough to really take it all in, from outside Momma's tummy. Your sweet little hiccups are a constant reminder of your growing, developing lungs and presence inside of me; it's the best feeling in the world. We love you, Little Man. We can't wait to meet you soon.

How Far Along: 32 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: 16.7 inches, 3.75+ lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 18-19 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes...still lots of comfy dresses!
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report
Sleep: Sleeping great! Doing lots of reading before bed and it rocks us to sleep.
Best moment this week: Spending time in College Station with Zach's sweet sister where we ate tons of yummy food, went to a couple storage auctions (Z's favorite pastime), and watched the Aggies win big!
Miss Anything? Not having back pain. Not used to this big belly and change in posture!
Movement: Loooots. It's so different now that he's bigger. I can tell where his feet are (up in my ribs usually) and where his little head is, especially since he gets the hiccups a couple times a day. It's almost always right after I eat....SO cute.
Food Cravings: Still loving Pizza Hut personal pan pepperoni pizzas and chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Feeling great.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still an innie, but it looks like a mini volcano. Does that even make sense?
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy unless not fed
Looking forward to: Testing out our new baby monitor, our big gift from Z's parents. Can't wait to see how well we'll be able to spy on our Little Guy! :)

Thank you for keeping up with our Baby progress...your sweet comments always make my day. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!
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