33 Weeks

 One month until Tiny is full-term! That is so surreal, yet so exciting. Z and I have taken a break from nursery projects for the last few weeks, shifting our focus to soaking up all the date nights and sleeping in we can manage before Little Man's arrival. Apparently full, ten hour nights of sleep will be a thing of the past soon? We kind of forgot about that minute detail when we signed up for this. 
To our Baby Boy:
There are so many things we want to tell you already, like how obsessed we are with your tiny little feet that poke at Mommy's belly and how much we love looking at your sweet face via sonogram. It won't be much longer until we can hold you in our arms and whisper all these wonderful things down at you while taking in your eyes and ears and tiny button nose. If heartburn is any indication of how much hair you'll be born with, we're expecting a mini Ace Ventura. We spend a lot of time guessing what color your hair will be, how much you'll weigh, and who you'll look more like, but at the end of the day none of that really matters to us. We are praying like crazy for a healthy, happy Baby Boy and trusting that God is taking good care of you. We love you, Little Man, and can't wait to meet you soon. 
How Far Along: 33 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: 17+ inches, 4-5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes! The black maternity leggings pictured above are sooo comfy. If only this cooler weather would stick around...
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report
Sleep: Sleeping well, just waking up about every 2 hours to tinkle.
Best moment this week: Having a "date afternoon" today with my sweet husband...he took me to my favorite restaurant, Smashburger, then to see Trouble with the Curve. It is such a great movie. Go see it! We also took a nice long walk in the cool air this evening...it was the perfect way to wind down our day.
Miss Anything? Not having back pain. If I sit in one position for 5 minutes or more, it hurts pretty bad. The doctor told me on Thursday that Little Man is pressed right up against my spine, hence the heavy back pain. As long as he's comfy, I can deal :).
Movement: Oh yes..and still getting the hiccups 2-3 times a day.
Food Cravings: chocolate milk, turkey sandwiches
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Feeling great.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Somewhere in between
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited
Looking forward to: This may sound a little sappy, but lately I've been looking so forward to seeing Zach as a dad. Every time we talk about Tiny's arrival, he says the most amazing things that melt my heart and increase my anticipation to watch him become a Daddy. On our drive home last night he kept saying, "I just can't wait to teach him things. I want to teach him everything". Baby is one lucky little boy.
 Can't wait to read about all of your weekends...hope they were great! Tomorrow is October 1st; can you believe it?! Think I'll go make something pumpkiny to celebrate :).
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