This Week...

....has pretty much been all about food. I can blame it on the whole "eating for two" thing, right? Right?

We had a pizza lunch on the patio of a newly discovered restaurant in Market Street. Love places that sell by the (big) slice!

Tiny and I had a Jelly Belly feast.
I found these super cute loafers on sale at Target for $9.98 (insert immature dancing in the aisle here).

Fall flowers are brightening up our kitchen table.

Baby and I had a quiet, people-watching lunch at Cafe sweet potato fries on the planet.

Our house got a fall make-over, including this yummy snack mix.
We tried Red Mango for the first yum-fest.

I finally got around to framing the botanical prints we picked up at a gallery in Old Town Spring back in July.

I discovered these bad boys which are every bit as good as they sound. Dangerously so.

I hope this post didn't make you too terribly hungry! Baby and I are off to grab some lunch and hopefully find some curtains for the nursery; we hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
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