34 Weeks

Hi friends! As I sit here sipping hot chocolate with 87 mini marshmallows (yes, hot chocolate! in Houston! it's a miracle), I'm reflecting back on the past 7 months and trying to figure out where the time has gone. It seems as if just last week we were finding out about our tiny, growing miracle; November seemed light years away and the concept of bringing a life into this world felt overwhelmingly surreal. Now that we're merely weeks away from meeting our Little Man, things are becoming quite real rather quickly, and we are embracing the ticking clock. What a beautiful gift November holds.
To our Baby Boy:
Your steady little hiccups are beating deep in my belly right now and I love it. Your Daddy actually felt them on the outside of my tummy this afternoon; he was amazed at how well he could feel each and every one. We finished hanging all the pictures on your nursery walls today and are really pleased with how it turned out; you kicked and wiggled the entire time so I think you like it, too. It was as if you knew we were in your domain and wanted out to play. Soon, Baby, soon! We are counting down the days until your arrival (39, give or take a few) and can't wait to snuggle your sweet, precious self.
p.s. Mommy is loving your need for french fries lately!
How Far Along: 34 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: 18 inches, 5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 21 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes...thank goodness for leggings!
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report
Sleep: Sleeping well, just waking up all through the night since Tiny thinks my bladder is a trampoline.
Best moment this week: It's hard to say, this whole week was pretty great. Z and I have enjoyed eating out almost every meal (shame on us!); we've definitely gotten our grub on and it's been pretty awesome.
Miss Anything? Not really...trying to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy while I can. I know I'm gonna miss this Little Guy being in my tummy :(.
Movement: Still lots. Two nights ago he was going craaaaazy. We're talking full out party in there.
Food Cravings: Turkey sandwiches on focaccia from Jason's Deli...yummm
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Feeling great.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Somewhere in between, still looking like a volcano/anthill
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and anxious
Looking forward to: Maternity pictures tomorrow and going home for our shower on Saturday! We are so excited to see family and get a few days in West Texas.
Thanks for reading! Hope your October is off to a great start!