35 Weeks

 The past week has been cray-zay, my friends, but in the best way possible. Zach's work friends threw an amazing shower for us last Thursday and then my friends back home gave us another shower on Saturday; Baby Boy is definitely feelin' the love! We are so grateful to everyone who made those events incredibly special and memorable for us. It is so fun sorting through all these sweet little clothes and toys; makes us all the more anxious to meet Tiny.

We had a doctor's appointment this evening that we'd really been looking forward to; it was our last big ultrasound to make sure everything looks good with Baby. He is head down and everything appears to be right on track! She said his head is really big and round...should I be worried? Z says I'm going to give birth to Charlie Brown. He weighs 5 lb. 12 oz., a little on the heavy side, and should weigh 8-8 1/2 pounds by his due date. We are continuing to pray daily for a healthy baby and feel so blessed that God is watching over our Little Man.

To our Baby Boy:
You looked so cute on the sonogram today! Sweet little legs all scrunched up, a perfectly round, growing belly, and apparently a very large (but still sweet) head. No wonder Mommy has to tinkle all the time! Your head is right on top of my bladder, and I know you are loving bouncing around in there. You got so many wonderful things at your showers; I can't wait to dress you in the snuggly onesies and adorable, tiny socks. You are gonna be stylin'! You kicked for your Aunt Katy this weekend and she loved it; everyone enjoys feeling you wiggle around. I didn't realize until tonight that the next time we see you, it will be the real deal. We'll be holding you, kissing you, loving on your soft little self. Oh, we can't wait Little One. We are so ready to be your parents. We love you.

Sorry for the blurry pictures...it was raining! These are 4 days late, and our grass desperately needs to be cut....but all that matters is the bump, right?

How Far Along: 35 weeks, 4 days
Baby Size: 18.5 inches, 5 lbs. 12 oz.
Total Weight Gain: 21-22 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes! Some normal tops, but all maternity pants/leggings.
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report
Sleep: Sleeping great...still waking up a lot to tinkle
Best moment this week: So many awesome things happened this past week! We had two amazing baby showers, got to see lots of family back home, and got a great report at the doctor this evening. Oh, and I just ate two giant ice cream cones at Jason's Deli. Icing (or ice cream, if you will) on the cake.
Miss Anything? Nope, just loving this precious time with Little Man inside my belly
Movement: All the time, per usual. He still gets the hiccups 2-3 times a day...you can feel it pretty heavily on the outside of my stomach now too. I can also now distinctively feel little feet as they push against my tummy. I love it :).
Food Cravings: Turkey sandwiches on focaccia from Jason's Deli and Rudy's BBQ...this baby loves meat!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Feeling good.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still looking funky, like a mini volcano. Zach loves to mess with it because he knows it bugs me.
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Really, really happy.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery this week... I promise to have pictures up next week for you all to see! Oh, and we have family coming in this weekend which always excites us; we are so ready to see Cole, Amanda, Kamdon, and Katy. Hurry up please, Friday!