We've Been BOOed!

Z and I came in from a walk the other evening to find a little surprise on our front porch....
Apparently our neighborhood has a tradition of "boo'ing" each other during the month of October. Such a fun way to spread some holiday spirit!

Can't wait to share the love! I have a feeling that in a few years, Tiny will really get into this whole BOOing business.
Do you have any Halloween/fall traditions? I'd love to hear them!


I've been the worst blogger ever all week and haven't been keeping up with you ladies as I'd like to...I promise I'll be back in full force next week. Zach's work is having a small baby shower for us this afternoon (yay!) so we're headed there now and then we're hitting the road for our seven hour trek to West Texas for the weekend. I'll see you all Monday!