Little Man's Nursery

Hi, friends! I've promised this post for weeks now and the day has finally come to reveal Little Man's nursery to you all. Hope you enjoy!

When brainstorming ideas for a nursery "theme", we wanted something different and unique yet simple and meaningful. I dreamed of the day we'd be able to sing lullabies to our Baby Boy and one my grandpa used to sing to my brothers and me stuck out:

Let's go riding on a cloud, where the angels play.
Where no teardrops are allowed, throw your cares away.

We decided to use these words as inspiration and create a space centered around dreams, wishes, and all things calming.

We found these globes at Michaels and wanted to incorporate them in the room somehow. I found the glass vase at Target and they fit perfectly inside.
I made the mobile a couple months ago to match Baby's bedding but ended up hanging it over the changing pad. We like how it brightens that corner of the room and will hopefully entertain Tiny during diaper changes.

All of the bedding was made by our close family friend, Ann Allen. She did an awesome job! The fabric came from JoAnns and Hobby Lobby. My grandma also sewed the pillows and gave Tiny the sweet sock monkey. More detailed bedding post here.

Zach designed the prints hanging over the crib; they are the lyrics to the song our Papaw Joe sang to my brothers and me. The wicker chair came from IKEA.

I found this basket/hamper at Home Goods; it's just right for holding all of Tiny's toys (as of now!).

The sheepskin rug was our first purchase for the room; we knew we wanted a soft post-nap play area. The six botanical prints were purchased at a gallery near our house in Old Town Spring.

The reading nook is probably my favorite part of the room. I can't wait to rock Baby and read story after story to him. The shadowbox on the wall holds Z's baby outfit and shoes, and the chalkboard came from IKEA. READ letter tutorial here. My incredibly talented husband made the tree trunk on that here.

The glider/ottoman was a gift from my grandparents but the original cushion fabric was denim and didn't match the nursery at all. My mom had the cushions recovered in upholstery fabric from JoAnns and the chevron fabric is from Hobby Lobby. The baskets are from Home Goods and are perfect for holding books and stuffed animals.

Zach painted the picture over the dresser; I love how it brings together different colors in the room. We found the miniature piano at an auction, fell in love, and had to have it. Zach made the little bench to match.

The lamp is from World Market and the book was Tiny's first book, given to him by my parents.

The dresser was a Goodwill find that we fixed up a few months ago; post on that here. Initial letters from Michaels, changing pad cover from this Etsy shop.

Thank you for sticking with this long-winded post! If there's anything in the room I didn't explain or forgot to list where it came from, please feel free to ask. This room was such a labor of love...from the walls, to the bedding, to everything in between.

I've shared this before, but here's a quick B/A wall picture...
 I'd say it's come a long way. Now all we need is Baby Boy and everything will be complete.

Currently working on a post to show you Little Man's closet; promise it won't be nearly as long!
Have a wonderful week!