10 Weeks

Hi, y'all! Two quick things before Mr. Bear's update....
#1- I'm guest posting for Ada over at Elegance Personified today...she just welcomed a sweet baby girl, Vivian, and is out enjoying lots of newborn cuddles.
#2- Happy, happy birthday to my beautiful friend Whitney at Keeping Up with the Cyperts! She turned 26 today...be sure and go give her some b-day love!

Someone turned 10 weeks old on Sunday...
He leaned over in the last picture just so you could read that he dislikes the hiccups..
Height: 24 1/4 in. (at 2 month appointment)
Weight: 14 lb. 5 oz. (on our home scale...likely a little off)

Things to Remember:
-You rolled over for the first time last Friday at 9 weeks old. We were so proud! You were doing tummy time and slowly wiggled yourself over onto your back. You haven't done it since, but you did it twice that night. Way to go!
-You are eating every 2-2 1/2 hours now (for weeks it was 1 1/2-2 hours).
-You are sleeping great at night but haven't napped very well the last week. Hopefully you'll start napping a little more during the day so Momma can get some things done!
-Every night when Daddy gets home, he lays on the couch and sits you on his tummy. He then sings the Texas A&M fight song to you and you LOVE it. You smile and coo and look at Daddy like he's the greatest thing in the world. You are already a Daddy's boy.
-You aren't into toys yet but will look at them, just not touch.
-You love cuddling with Mommy in bed every morning...Mommy loves it too.
-You are such a water baby! You seem to really enjoy bath time; we can't wait to get some toys in there with you. We give you a bath every night about two hours before bedtime.

Every time I sit down to write one of these updates I get a little teary eyed that another week has passed. It's truly a bittersweet thing watching a child grow; part of you wants them to get big and learn new things, while part of you wants them to stay small and cuddly forever. I tend to wish for the latter.
I'm feeling extra gushy today...Bear and I spent the morning dancing around the living room while Bob Dylan serenaded us from the record player. Bear seems to have good taste in music; Kesha comes on in the car....cries. Fusses. The Beatles or Paul Simon...nothing but smiles and coos. Makes me so proud.

Anyway, as we danced and swayed to "Blowin' in the Wind", I looked out the front door at the beautiful, sunshiney morning. Then I looked down at my son and saw his chubby cheeks upturned in a smile, dimples in full effect and eyes lit up with Mommy's holding me excitement. All at once it hit me just how lucky I am and how lovely this life really is. It's not perfect, and we don't always have the answers, but the moments shared with those we love make it all worth while.

The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind.
The answer is blowin' in the wind.