Baby Baby Baby (Bieber Style)

We tried a yummy, one-of-a-kind restaurant in Old Town Spring Saturday night (not sure the on my part); it was delicious! Great live music and the best chocolate chip pie we've ever eaten.
Bear wasn't too impressed....
Can't get enough of these cheeks.
Bear and I joined a Mommy and Me group and loved our first official playdate Monday! So many sweet mommas and babies that we are really going to enjoy getting to know.
 We enjoyed it so much that we met up with Jagger (and his mommy, Cris) for playdates again yesterday and today!
Cris informed me that Godiva offers free chocolate once a month to those who sign up for their mailing list...two minutes later I was downing a red velvet truffle.
Free panties! Felt like I was stealing from all these stores...but why not take advantage of promotions?!
Bear enjoyed all the freebies, too.
While I took pictures for this post, someone was a little poser himself...
Happy Hump Day!