DIY Easter Wreath

Last Thursday, the last thing I needed to be doing was crafting. We had company coming for the weekend and floors that were in major need of sweeping, window sills that needed dusting, and a baby that refused to nap. Despite all the above, I decided an Easter wreath must be made. Right then. I have a problem, y'all. Is there such thing as Crafter's Anonymous?
So Bear and I took a trip to Dollar Tree and picked up a few things to make our pastel creation. 45 minutes and $6 later, an Easter wreath was born.
Yep, $6. That's it! Granted we already had a few things on hand necessary to make this wreath, but chances are you do too. Though my floors still don't look so hot, I'm happy with how the wreath turned out and plan on pulling it out year after year. That is until Bear thinks there's candy in the eggs and rips them all off. Hopefully we have a couple years before that happens.

You'll need:
-plastic Easter eggs (50-60)
-hot glue gun
-silk flowers
-wooden wreath
(got mine at Dollar Tree...don't spend a lot since it'll be covered up! you could also use foam)
-1/2 yard fabric
-6 in. ribbon or lace
(flowers not pictured)

Wrap fabric around wreath, hot gluing as you go. Wrap it pretty tightly to provide a secure base for the eggs.

Yours should look something like this...minus the chunky baby legs.

Glue eggs onto fabric one at a time, placing in different directions as you go. Some of the fabric will show through. Don't glue any eggs to the back of the wreath; you want it to lay flat against the door.

Take your piece of lace/ribbon and wrap around the top of the wreath before gluing the final eggs on. Tie in a knot under the base of the wreath and hot glue under the knot to secure.
Once you've covered the wreath in eggs, begin gluing on flowers in empty spots where fabric shows through. I had these daisies left over from a previous project and they worked perfectly; I simply cut them off the chain and glued them on the wreath.
And you're done! A fun, festive wreath ready to greet all who enter.
The fabric ensures cuteness from the inside, too.

What crafts are you whipping up lately? Any Easter decorations? I'm obsessed with all things Easter; it's such a special holiday. Of course for religious reasons, but also Cadbury Cream Egg reasons. Best.chocolate.creation.ever.
Thanks for reading, friends!