Momma Style: Gold, White & Blue

top/shoes/ring:F21, skinnies:Home Goods, necklace:Urban Outfitters, watch:Kohl's, bracelet:J.Crew (gift), polish:Color Club "wild cactus"
 I've always been a big fan of cobalt blue; there's something so vibrant and fun yet "grown-up" about the rich blue shade. It also compliments every skin-tone and adds a pop of color to any outfit.
Three inch heels are about as high as I'll venture these days since I'm usually seen toting around a 16 pound baby or lugging a giant carseat on my arm. I keep an extra pair of flats in our diaper bag at all times for comfort reasons; I kept them in my purse even before Bear was born. Have you ever had a heel snap on the cereal aisle of the grocery store? 'Cause I have. Not fun. Maybe that's the universe sending me a sign to lay off the Cap'n Crunch.
What's your favorite color to "pop"?!