First Solids

 Bear turned four months old on Monday and had a visit with his pediatrician that went great (post coming soon!). She gave us the green light to start rice cereal/oatmeal so naturally we couldn't wait even an extra day to give it a try. That evening when Zach got home from work, we busted out the oatmeal and had a little messy first-time-eating-from-a-spoon party. It was a tad bittersweet, more so than I thought it would be. After solely nursing Bear for the last four months, it was strange to see him eating anything not from Momma. He found it a little strange, too. The proof is below...
 pre-meal playtime (obsessed with his toes!)
best way to watch TV
 It seems like every day holds tons of milestones when you have a baby. I love it, but it also makes me an emotional wreck. I find myself crying at the silliest things, just because I realize how quickly time is flying by and that these moments with our Little Man are so, so very precious. He'll be eating food the rest of his life, but we'll always remember the very first bite he tried. He may not have loved the oatmeal, but he loves us. And that's all that matters.