Salted Caramel Covered Strawberries

You're going to think I'm crazy. Like, really crazy. But the truth is I don't like chocolate covered strawberries. Never have. I'm an extreme chocolate-lover yet I've never been able to get behind fruit coated in chocolate. Caramel covered strawberries, however? Oh that I can get behind. Sweet, salted caramel loaded with pecans? Sign me up. Immediately.
During the fall and winter seasons, caramel drinks and desserts are everywhere (hellooooo Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha). Come spring, however, they slowly disappear for six months and I'm often left thinking, "Umm, just because it's warm outside doesn't mean I don't want caramel. I always want caramel."
These strawberries are the answer to our spring/summer salted caramel withdrawals, my friends. They're similar to caramel apples, but better. The tart, juiciness of the strawberry with the salty (yet still sweet) caramel is a total party in the mouth. It's the perfect combination of crunchy meets juicy, salty meets sweet. Oh man, they're good.
I did could eat 87 of them in one sitting. Okay maybe not that many, but close. If you're a caramel fan, a strawberry lover, or just really enjoy tickling your taste buds, these are for you. I can't think of a better transitional treat as we welcome spring with open arms.
 Momma wouldn't let Bear have any strawberries so he resorted to eating his book...
You'll need:
10 large fresh strawberries
20 caramels
1 1/2 tablespoons whipping cream (I use milk instead)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup coarsely chopped mixed nuts (I use pecans)
Wax paper
1. Wash strawberries and pat completely dry with paper towels.
3. Microwave caramels, whipping cream or milk, and salt in a microwave-safe bowl at medium(50% power) 2 minutes or until smooth, stirring at 1-minute intervals.
4. Dip each strawberry halfway into caramel mixture. Roll in nuts, and place on wax paper. Let stand 15 minutes. Serve immediately, or chill in refrigerator.
recipe tweaked from here
 What sweets have you been whipping up lately?

It's a sunny 88 degrees in Houston today, begging Bear and I to get out for a walk. We've shopped quite a bit this week; it's time our stroller hit the sidewalk rather than the nearest Baby Gap.
Enjoy the weekend, y'all!