Five Things

Earlier today my friend Faith did a post like this and while I wasn't "tagged", I thought it was so fun that I'm gonna try and come up with five things I haven't shared with you all before. Also, Faith is pretty much the sweetest thing ever; go leave her some love!

1. I love to sing. Not saying I'm the next Mariah Carey by any means (though that would be nice...), but I'm pretty much singing and/or humming on a constant basis. Poor Zach; anytime he starts singing a song, I have to chime in and show him that I too know that song and can belt it even louder, and much prouder, than him.

2. Half of my left front tooth is fake. In high school basketball practice, Sparkle Brewster came down from a rebound and elbowed me in the face, knocking half of my tooth out. I refused to go to school until the Billy Bob situation was fixed, so my Mom took me to the dentist the next morning and he bonded it? Binded it? Whatever, he fixed it. Thank the good Lord.

3. My parents are both teachers; I'm extremely proud of the emphasis they've always placed on education in our family. My in-laws are farmers and are getting ready to plant cotton at the end of this week; please pray for some rain in West Texas! They desperately need it.

4. I'm major league kind of obsessed with Stevie Nicks. Her voice is that of legend. While everyone is all about female singers like Taylor Swift and Miranda Lambert, you'll never convince me that they can hold a light to Stevie (proof 61 years old). Yes, I like Taylor Swift, but songs about boys and break-ups can't touch your soul the way a beautifully reflective song like Landslide, or Gypsy, or Dreams, can.

5. During my sophmore year of college, I trained the entire second semester through a program called Let's Start Talking and went on a two month mission trip to Lima, Peru. We taught Peruvians English through the book of Luke in the Bible; it was one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, experiences of my life. During that time, we had no running water and had to pump water on the roof into plastic coke bottles for our "showers". It was also the middle of winter in Peru, so the water was like snow-melt. Washing my long hair became extremely challenging so I paid $2 for a haircut and chopped it all off. We didn't even have a mirror, much less the opportunity to curl or straighten our hair. Talk about roughin' it! I learned a lot that summer about just how blessed we, as Americans, truly are. I never, ever, take a hot shower for granted anymore.

There you have it, five totally random things. I'm also taking the liberty of "tagging" each of you lovely ladies...I wanna learn something new about you, too!
Happy Hump Day!