First Mother's Day

I'm sitting here staring at the computer screen, wanting to say a million different things but knowing I won't do my thoughts any justice. So we'll leave it at this...

I am so very blessed to be this baby's Mother. Last November made me into something I always dreamed of being, but had no idea just what a dream it would be.
 I always thought Mother's Day was simply a day when mothers were celebrated and appreciated by others. And it is, but little did I realize that it's also a day when mothers themselves celebrate holding the best title there is: Momma.
I really, really love that title.
(especially now that Bear can say it)
a few pictures...
we framed this one for our grandmas and great-grandmas
pretty gift from my Mom Bear
also from my Momma...can't wait to use this!

card from Bear

book from Zach's sweet Mom
gorgeous flowers from my brother and sis-in-law
a gift certificate I can't wait to use from Z
Thank you to my dear friend Elissa, too, who sent the sweetest card that brought me to tears. I love you, E!
My first Mother's Day was such a beautiful one.
A huge thank you to my Momma, who is and has always been the most loving example in my life. No words could ever explain the love and support she has showered us with over the years; I love you, Mom. You truly are the best.
happy Hump Day, friends :)