Memorial Day Weekend Recap

I never feel quite right when saying "Happy Memorial Day". It seems wrong and misfitting to wish happiness on a day meant to be solemn and reflective. And we did reflect and remember, but we also were happy. Happy and proud to show our son a nation full of heroes and bravery.
My parents came to visit and we had such an amazing weekend. Thanks for taking care of us so much, Mom and Dad! We love y'all.
I spy patriotism and a pack 'n play...yes, someone still sleeps in Mommy and Daddy's room. There's a list of reasons why, but I feel like "he's a small, sweet, snuggly baby" is justification enough.
Saturday morning we took this barefooted baby to feed some duckies. There are two lakes about a block from our house; we think, and hope, Bear will love this area when he gets a little bigger.  

Saturday evening dinner at Heaven Cheesecake Factory...
first taste of whipped cream...naturally he was a big fan

New $6 Target sandals that happen to be really comfy. Does anyone else find it hard to leave Target without a new pair of shoes?

After dinner, we walked down to The Waterway and heard live music while Bear stared down some juggling clowns.

My Dad has started a tradition of picking up donuts the last morning of their Sunday morning he went and grabbed some blueberry cake donuts from a cute little shop, Snowflake Donuts. So, SO good.

We took this little rascal on his very first pool excursion...
and stopped to feed the ducks again on our trek to the pool.

post-pool treat...pound cake with whipped cream and strawberries

And one more look at our little sea turtle...he actually enjoyed the pool! Think he's going to be a water baby.

 Happy Hump Day!