A Little Advice For New Mommies

Rarely ever do I get "serious" on this blog. Things tend to stay light, carefree, and laid-back. Though I very much enjoy writing, pictures rule our blog because we feel they tell more of a story, a recap, than any words possibly could.

However, tonight I want to give a teeny tiny bit of advice to new mommies. Something I wish someone would have told me pre-Bear:
Sit back, enjoy the ride, and don't let anyone else's experiences dictate your own.

I'm also writing this as a reminder to myself to stay in the moment and trust God's caring of my son.
It has honestly taken me seven months to realize, believe, and practice this mantra. I spent weeks, months really, wrongfully trying to keep up with every other mother's agenda. I'd read blog after blog, story after story of just how many times a day one's baby should be nursing. I timed feedings for months. I freaked out if Bear didn't nurse for longer than eight minutes because so-and-so's baby breastfed for ten minutes on EACH SIDE! Something must be tragically wrong with my son's eating even though he continues to be in the 90th percentile for height and weight. I was a crazy person, constantly comparing our routine with others' and fighting to keep up with how our lives "should" be lived.

Y'all, that's exhausting.

And this doesn't just apply to having a baby; it's a struggle that undoubtedly we all face in different aspects of life, especially stressful ones where we feel the need to cling to normalcy.

But what is normal anyway?

For Bear, it's eating every three to four hours. Sometimes for three minutes, sometimes for thirty-three minutes. Doesn't matter. He's happy. He's healthy. And life goes on, even if Billy Sue's baby girl does eat for forty-two and a half minutes........on each side.

And because a post wouldn't be legit without a picture...

This water baby rocks a Speedo like nobody's business. He also cries and begs for ice cream. He may look like Daddy, but he's got Momma's sweet tooth.

Happy weekend, friends :). Keep on keepin' on.