Beach Day

Yesterday was such a special day. We've known all summer that we wanted to take Bear to the beach but decided to wait until the last possible date so he could really enjoy it. Yesterday morning it was rainy and Bear decided to sleep in later than he has in over a month (not complaining!), but as soon as he was up we headed for Galveston. It's about an hour and a half drive so we made a day trip of it; best decision ever! The weather cooperated and we made so many sweet memories with our Little Man.
first stop=lunch at The Spot, one of our favorite beachside restaurants

We couldn't wait any longer; after lunch we headed straight for the beach!

Bear absolutely loved it. We were pleasantly surprised; we know he loves water and crawling around but didn't realize just how much he'd put his crab-crawling skills to use. He was all over that beach!
He also ate lots of sand. We tried to prevent this but he kept outsmarting us and sneaking in bites.

After the beach, we headed to The Strand for some shopping and ice cream at La King's. Bear took an hour long nap in the car, so we just parked it and I read my first magazine (cover to cover) in nine months! Ahhh, the little things.
Pumpkin Pie ice cream at La King's. This is the best ice cream I've ever had, period. There are even little chunks of buttery pie crust all in it. Amazing.

Bear got to see first hand how taffy is made; he was fascinated.
a horse and a Bear...they were big buddies
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Bear
Last stop: Rainforest Café. Bear loved all the fish; it was hard to peel him away from the aquarium.

We were exhausted by the time we got home last night, but it was well worth the exhaustion. It was such a special day for our little family, full of firsts and priceless moments.

Hope your weekend's been a sweet one, too!