Bear Does Sweetwater

Two weeks ago, Bear and I headed to Sweetwater for five days of fun and family time. Bear got to meet his one month old precious cousin, Lawson, and was spoiled by all of his grandparents (and great-grandparents).
A few insta-pics of our travels...
Bear loves Whataburger grilled cheeses. I kind of do, too. Good road trip food!

reading with g-ma Candy

I love grass!!!!!!

Bear and Grammy at the Fall Festival

Takin' a nap (and savin' a yogurt melt for later) at Big Boys BBQ

Bear's crazy about his Uncle Ryan!

sweet Lawson

playing with cousin Kamdon


Elephant Bear at the Highland Sophomore Carnival

Going back home to visit family is always bittersweet. We love seeing everyone but if Zach stays behind (to work), we miss Daddy and can't wait to get home to him.
In other exciting news, Bear took FOUR STEPS yesterday!! He'll be 11 months old tomorrow (can't even talk about it) and will soon be a walkin', talkin' little man. Talk about bittersweet.
Hope you're all having a fabulous week!