Bear's First Halloween

I'm not sure how to even begin this post because Bear's first Halloween was absolutely perfect. You know when you hype something up and prepare for weeks, just to be let down and end up disappointed? This was completely the opposite. We had the absolute best, most special day and I went to bed last night with a happy heart and full (of candy) tummy.
I promised myself before Bear was born to strive to be the most festive mommy I could possibly be....and yesterday was definitely a test of that goal. Is there a Halloween Vacation movie? If not, they could've filmed us yesterday and it totally would've been worthy. We were all kinds of crazy festive. And wouldn't have it any other way.
 It all started with Bear's first coloring book on Halloween Eve. He loved it! He carried his crayons and masterpiece (with a little help from Mommy) all over the house.

Halloween breakfast= Jack o Lantern Eggo's
After breakfast and a nap, we headed to Bear's playgroup's big Halloween party. We had such a great time!
Ready for the biggest news of all? This little Peter Pan won FIRST PLACE in the costume contest! There were about 40 precious babies, so it was a big honor. It was also Bear's first cash prize :).

It's hard work being a winner.
I dressed up as Tiger Lily...a simple, ten minute costume. It was so much fun being Bear's wingman!

Once Zach got home from work, it was time to trick or treat. We just hit up a few houses on our street and hurried home to greet trick or treaters and hand out candy, which ended up being Peter Pan's favorite part.
Peter and Captain Hook

jack 'o Lantern pizza for supper
pumpkin pie for dessert 

Peter Pan had lots of fun rummaging through his goodies. We kept finding him digging in his candy bucket. Several of his friends came over and helped pass out candy; they had fun seeing all the other kids in costume and trying to steal each other's candy.

I just can't explain how happy this day made me. Holidays are so much more fun with a little one! It's bittersweet though, because yesterday was also Bear's last "first" holiday. That just can't be possible! Time needs to take a big fat chill pill and slooooow down.
Hope your Halloween was the most special, spooky one yet!!!