Christmas Recap & a Very Happy New Year to You!

A little look at our Christmas, West Texas style...

my sweet parents, Gramommy & Pops, with Bear

making fudge at Mamaw's

spending time with precious nephews

Bear's big present from Gramommy and Pops

beautiful cousins, Jenna and Brianne

crowd surfin' with more sweet cousins, Braylie and Collin, and Uncle Ryan

Bear was worn out after the long roadtrip back home.
We hope you had the merriest of Christmases!

Every year on New Year's Eve, I get a bit emotional and nostalgic. This year it's especially bittersweet because Bear was born in 2012 (late November) and it's going to be 2014. That makes it seem like he was born so long ago and it only feels like a few months to me! Where has the time gone?

No matter how sad I get about our baby growing into a toddler (the "t word" really gets me), every stage of his little life just keeps getting more fun. He laughs, shakes his head "yes" and "no", plays independently, and runs like there's no tomorrow. I can't wait until he can communicate with us even more, throw a football with Daddy, and help Mommy bake cookies (by licking the beaters, of course). Oh, the excitement that awaits. 2014, you are surely going to be a thrill.

Happy New Year, friends.