13 & 14 Months

Bear turned 14 months on the 18th and honestly, it's hard to believe that in just over 2 weeks he'll be 15 months old. He's turning into a toddler right before our eyes, though I've made a vow to keep referring to him as a baby until his second birthday. Can you please play along? :) Thank you!

not sure why these are blurry... anyone else have this problem?

Things to Remember:
-You love to dance. Every time music comes on, you bounce up and down. Your new move is spinning in circles over and over again until you plop down. Dizzy little dancer!
-You don't like fruits and veggies. It's a struggle for Momma. You are a grilled cheese eatin' machine.

-You laugh at the silliest things and love to play chase. You always want to do the chasing and think it's so funny to "catch" someone.
-You now have lots of teeth! Not sure how many, but my guess is 10-11. 
-Your hair is getting really long (in the back) and you have curls! I never want to cut them. Daddy, on the other hand, is pressuring me. I'm not caving anytime soon.
-You sleep 10-11 hours a night (9pm-8am ish) and take 1-2 naps per day. Usually one big nap for 3-4 hours.
-You are still breastfeeding, usually 2 times a day but sometimes 3. You don't really want the night feed anymore, which makes Mommy a little sad.
-You still LOVE your paci. If we take the clip off, you look all over your shirt for it and get upset. So naturally, we give it to you right away.
-You love drawing....in the bathtub, on your chalkboard, in coloring books. Daddy is an artist and I hope you have his talent!
-You are in size 18 clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 5 shoes.

-You're happiest outside. You could play in the backyard all day long. Hurry up, spring!

Hope you're having a great week, friends!!! xoxo