Fullwood Family Pictures

Over Thanksgiving break, we surprised Zach's parents with a family photo session. The sweet Lindsey Cotton of Cotton Photography in Abilene took our pictures (in freeeezing cold weather) and Zach's parents, especially his Mom, really loved the gift. We gave them a big canvas for Christmas of the last picture posted below.
Zach has two brothers, who have 5 boys between the both of them, so there are 6 little boys (no girls!) 5 and under running around when we all get together. Pure chaos is putting it lightly :). But we always have fun! Zach's sister, Katy, is in the chevron shirt and the other two young ladies are Zach's brother's wives. I'm blessed with an amazing family. This was such a fun day!
Hope you had a great weekend! We're flipping back and forth between The Bachelor and the National Championship tonight....think Z secretly likes The Bachelor better :).

G'night friends!