Hawaii Part 3: The North Shore & Whale Watching

We arrived in Hawaii on Friday afternoon (Valentine's Day!) and the weather was not what we'd expected. It was chilly and rainy, something apparently that rarely ever happens on the island...just our luck. But after a couple days it cleared up and we saw where "Paradise" gets it's name.

We still ventured out that first weekend; Shane and Scarlett drove us up to North Shore and we saw so much of the island. Oahu really is spectacular; the mountains are every bit as jaw-drop-worthy as the white sandy beaches. My favorite part of the day was visiting Kualoa Ranch, where Jurassic Park was filmed. It felt like we were living in a post card! So, so beautiful.

I haven't given much background about our two hosts, my brother and his wife. Shane is a Captain (almost Major) in the Army and is stationed on Oahu. Scarlett, the gorgeous redhead, is his wife. They housed us, fed us, shuttled us around, and took care of Bear as if he was their own. They are the absolute best and we love them so much. They hadn't seen Bear since he was five weeks old, so it was really special to see the three of them interact and play.

Sea turtle sighting!

Kualoa Ranch, where Jurassic Park was filmed

Shane and Scarlett booked a whale watching trip, which was awesome. We saw quite a few whales and Bear was a little trooper.

"Dukes on Sunday", great grub after a successful whale watching excursion. Thanks, Shane and Scarlett!

Happy Hump Day!

Thank you for sticking with these long winded recaps and for your sweet comments about our trip! Just a few more to come :). We loved Hawaii and hope to one day go back!