Bear's Favorite Books

Bear is more and more interested in books all the time. I would get frustrated when he was just a few months old because I'd try to read to him and he wasn't very into it. Then, when he learned to crawl and discovered movement, he didn't want to sit still to read much either. But the last few months he has become a little bookworm. I'll walk in a room to find him sitting on the floor, turning pages of one of his many books (his grandma is an English teacher! We have a library). This makes my heart very, very happy.

Here are a list of some of Bear's favorites. All of them are hardback with hard pages because chubby fingers can rip paper pages like no other!
 This is our go-to bedtime book. Just last night Bear cried when we had to put the book down for bedtime. The bright colored pictures seem to really pop against the white pages and keep his attention.

Every page in this book has a flap to lift, so it keeps Bear entertained while we read the story. The pictures are really cute and this is a series, so there are others we need to add to the collection! This was also one of the first books Bear really started to sit down and look at.
"Doggies" has numbers and counting, which Bear likes, and he loves dogs so it's a win/win. Plus, the dogs make barking noises and he laughs when Zach and I try and sound like 18 different dogs. Come to think of it, we do sound pretty ridiculous.
This was the first book that Bear really got interested in. I think the rhyming caught his attention. And of course Dr. Seuss' amazing artwork!
This is, hands down, Bear's favorite. Most likely because there are about 15 flaps to lift on every single page. And it's a HUGE book. He'll sit on the floor of the playroom for 10+ minutes at a time (that's an eternity for a toddler!) just looking at and playing with this book. His Nana gave it to him and we are so thankful she did! It's a great one.
What are some of your favorite books for toddlers? We are always on the hunt for new favorites! I want to put several new books in Bear's Easter basket, too.
Happy Hump Day!