Hawaii Part 7: Bellows Beach

You can all breathe a sigh of relief; this is the LAST Hawaii post! It was honestly a struggle to narrow it down to 7 recaps...Oahu is so beautiful that it warrants a ridiculous amount of picture-taking. You have all been so sweet about our trip...thank you! Y'all are the best!

If we had to pick a favorite beach on Oahu that we visited, Z and I both agree that it'd be Bellows. It's on a military base so only military can use it, therefore there aren't many people around and it isn't overcrowded (unlike Waikiki). The water does this gorgeous ombre thing as it stretches infinitely into the sky, and the sand is so soft you wanna eat it. And Bear did just that.

Probably my favorite picture of the whole trip.

Shane and Scarlett put Bear in this chair and he just chilled there for the longest time. He loved it!

I love Bear's rascally expression in this picture. This was our last evening before heading to the airport...bittersweet!

Thank you again for all your sweet comments on our vacay! We had a blast and wish we could go back, like, tomorrow :).

The weather was glorious in Houston today and we had such a fun day. Hope yours was wonderful, too! Enjoy your Sunday!