Chubby Thighs & a Few Photography Tips

I'm not a professional photographer. FAR from it. I do, though, love taking pictures of my son and am a proud "mamarazzi". Through the world of Instagram and Facebook, there are several tips I've learned along the way to take better phone pictures of littles (and big people, too!).
Please excuse the blurriness & graininess of these photos; my iPhone photos always upload blurry to the blog :(. Anyone else have this problem? Help! 
Anyway, here are three easy photog tips!

1. Capture the un-posed moments.
This is simple and most people already do this. But in the world of social media, it's easy to get caught up in achieving that perfect, preplanned moment. Inevitably, the best pictures are always the ones you stumble upon by surprise.

2. Get on their level.

When we first had Bear, I took every picture from my level. It was always a birds eye view of our Little Man and as I look back, I realize how much better the pictures could've been if I would've taken them from different angles. Luckily I had a pretty cute subject so they still came out okay :). Now, I love getting at Bear's eye-level and capturing moments from his perspective.

3. Find the light.
Any professional photographer will tell you that lighting is the most crucial part of a good photo. We like to take pictures outside because natural lighting seems to work best for camera phones, plus there are lots of distractions for busy toddlers! Bear will stop to look at trucks driving by, airplanes flying over, and of course to pick up sticks and leaves. It also helps to find shady areas because the pictures always seem to come out better and it protects little one's skin.
We also edit all photos prior to posting on Instagram or Facebook in the Afterlight app. It's a lifesaver! So many great features and filters; it's definitely a mamarazzi's best friend.

Hope you'll find at least one of these tips helpful for your everyday picture-taking! Do you have any secrets to taking great phone pictures? Please share!