
Snapshots of our adventures the past week!
Starting May in mint.
Our afternoons are spent with sidewalk chalk.

And taking important calls. (on our stick cell phone)

Afternoon naps have been few and far between, but we enjoy the ones we get.

Someone begs for wagon rides constantly. So that's what someone gets.

The sunsets have been absolutely gorgeous lately. Evening walks around our neighborhood lakes have been the perfect wind-down time for this momma.

Zach took this picture; this is Bear trying to hide so Zach wouldn't see him eating the ducks' bread.

Super Bear!

Suckers & Sugars could be the name of our reality show.

Golf in college vs. golf now. I love it even more now.
(This was also our first family trip to Top Golf! So much fun!)

Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Any Cinco de Mayo plans? Bear and I have a party on Monday; I'm just starting to get outfits in the works :). Can't wait to share with y'all!