
This past weekend was truly an amazing one. The weather was absolutely perfect (it felt like fall!) and we soaked up every minute outdoors that we could. Bear especially enjoyed the cooler temps!
Friday afternoon we visited The Woodland's Children's Museum, one of Bear's favorite spots.

Saturday afternoon was spent playing at the park and going to Taylor's 3rd Princess Birthday Party!

After the party, we drove up to College Station for our first home Aggie game of the season. The weather was perfect, and even though the game didn't start until 8pm, Bear was a trooper. We got to see Zach's little sister Katy and our friends Elissa and Jose, so it was a really fun evening.
Plus A&M won! Z was happy.
Sunday, I drove to Baytown for the bridal shower of my dear friend Elissa. I am so excited to be her Matron of Honor in just a few weeks! Elissa's mom, Jody, put the entire shower together and did such a beautiful job. All of the details were just perfect.
It was a tea party, so everyone wore hats. Elissa's is hard to see in this picture but it was the most beautiful Princess Kate-like fascinator.

There were all kinds of treats, including this beautiful chocolate chip cake with edible rose petals.

The bridal party got to take home their own bouquets; made us feel so special!
These cookie favors were delicious. So, so good.

Monday morning, Bear slept 'til 11am which called for celebratory cookies for "breakfast".

We also went to the doctor for a bite that Bear has, which turned out to be fine. He made it through the appointment happily eating Dum Dums.

It's back up in the 90's in Houston, but we're braving it and doing lots of swinging. Come back and stay for awhile please, fall! We really love you.

Hope your weekend was a special one!