headshots & habits

headshots by the talented Katie Hill Photography

A few weeks ago, several Houston bloggers and I had head-shots done by Katie Hill Photography; it was my first time having head-shots taken and Katie was wonderful! She made us feel really comfortable and even directed where to look and how to hold our hands (something I'm always so awkward with). Oh, and she had a portable fan. In September in Houston, that's life-changing, people. Life changing

I thought it'd be fun to share some of my habits today, both good and bad! Some things I've improved upon through the years, and I have a list of things I'd like to make a ritual of doing. Maybe there are a few you can relate to, as well. :)

Habits I've Improved:
-I used to rarely ever wash my face before bed in high school and college, now I can't go to sleep without washing and moisturizing it completely. I know, I was gross ten years ago. 
-I never used to wear sunscreen, despite how much my parents pushed me to protect my skin from the sun. Lifeguarding for three summers and playing golf daily, I regret so much not coating my skin in SPF. I won't go in the sun without wearing it now, and usually a giant floppy hat.
-Up until about a year ago, I had pretty awful sleeping habits. I've always been a night owl so no matter how early I woke up, I could not go to bed before midnight. Now Bear is my wake-up call (usually around 8am), and I'm always asleep by 10:30pm. I credit this to Bear, as he requires me to chase him around all day and I'm beat by bedtime.
-I rarely ever used to floss. For the past few years, I've been flossing several times a day. Yes I just admitted that (though my dental records don't really reflect it..)
-For about three years, Zach and I would eat out pretty much every meal. We both ate lunch out, and then I'd usually have Zach pick up Sonic or Whataburger on his way home from work. Cooking has never been a love of mine, but over the past eight months we've been eating at home six nights a week (unless of course we're traveling). Sometimes it's just sandwiches or a frozen pizza, but it's still better than greasy fast food and we've saved some money this way.

Habits I'd Like to Improve:
-I wash my hair every single night. Sometimes I switch it up and go every other night, but mostly it's daily. I'd like to start washing every 2-3 days, as this is supposed to be much better for your hair (and less work!).
-I eat stupid amounts of candy. Those that know me well know this is no exaggeration. I go through a 4 pound bag of Sour Patch Kids every week, and I usually eat them in bed at night. Nothing like sugary sheets. Needless to say, I need to replace some of this sugar-addiction with fruit.
-I'd love to get in the habit of giving more compliments. Sure, I give them often to family and close friends, but I rarely ever compliment the girl checking me out in Target or the other mom at the park on a Wednesday morning. When a stranger pays me a compliment, it totally makes my day. I want to do that for others, too.
-I need to stop closet-cluttering. Our house stays pretty clean most of the time and everything has a place, but I have a bad habit of cramming random things in closets. My personal closet is organized (duh), but the guest closets and hall closets are, well, not. We even have an extra dresser hiding in one of the guest room closets! Which is awesome because now there's just more hidden drawers for me to cram crap in. 
-I've always been a total bookworm, probably because my Mom's an English teacher and both of my parents are avid readers. Ever since having Bear, though, I don't make much time to read. If I'm reading, it's usually flipping through a fashion magazine for five minutes or catching up on other blogs. I've read some books since having Bear, but not nearly as many as I'd like. Going to pick up some new ones this weekend, in fact. Any recommendations?!

I could seriously add to that second list for days; there are so many things I'd like to start doing regularly. Exercising, for one. I don't do that. Cleaning the baseboards in our house with dryer sheets. Only done it once in four years. Ironing clothes. Is this even a habit? I categorize it as pure torture.

We're roadtrippin' this weekend and having so much fun! Next stop: Natchez, Mississippi. Can't wait to share pictures! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
xo, Britt