brunch at levure

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of brunching at Levure Bakery with some sweet blogger friends. We sipped our vanilla lattes, chatted about social media strategies, and got to know one another a little better. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such inspiring and incredible women; their drive and passion radiate and fuel my creative juices. And a big thank you to my dear friend Aimey of Diamond Oak Photography who captured the morning in photos!

from left to right:
Elly of Uptown with Elly Brown
Sara of Also Too Actually
Dede of Dress up Buttercup
me :)
Casey of Thoughtfully Styled
Alli of Guaranteed Giddy
Bree of The Thing About Joy
Whitney of The Observant Turtle
Jessica of Thoughtfully Styled
Angela of Pretty in her Pearls

Can you believe Christmas is just a week away?! I can hardly contain my excitement; I can't wait to see the look on Bear's face when he sees what's under the tree Christmas morning. I loved Christmas as a kid, but I definitely love it even more as a parent. Bring on all the cookie making, tacky sweaters, and last minute wrapping!
xo, Britt