pool essentials


It's almost June (!!!) which means it's time to hit the pool! I always get so excited around this time because spending a few hours laying by the pool is one of my very favorite ways to spend an afternoon. We have a neighborhood pool just a short walk away and the past two summers, I've spent most weekend afternoons slipping out during Bear's naptime for two hours of relaxation poolside. Naps are hit or miss these days for our little man, so time will tell how much relaxing I'll do at the pool. Probably much more time teaching our little fish to swim! Which, I'm happy to do, too. :)

I'm loving all the bright prints & colors for swimwear this summer; the brighter the better. Also those donut floats you've seen everywhere...can't get enough. A hat and sunscreen are a must down here in Texas, and I need to get my hands on those Tory Burch jellies. Reminds me of my younger days!

Happy Weekend!
xo, Britt