how to: putting together a housewarming gift

Chances are at one point or another, we all have an opportunity to give someone a housewarming gift. I used to stress about them, unsure of what the recipient would like, what theme I should stick with, and how to put it all together. I'm still no pro, but this is what I've learned along the way!

1/2 (no longer available from H&M, but I love these!)/3 (from Trader Joe's)/4/5/6/7/8 (Home Goods)

One of my very best friends recently moved into a new home about an hour and a half away, and Bear and I are going to see it for the first time tomorrow! Bear has been saying all day "Go see Aunt E!" and I'm definitely sharing his excitement. She has some fun things planned, like decorating sugar cookies and a water slide in the backyard for Bear. We can't wait!

I wanted to do some kind of gift for Elissa that she could use and would enjoy. She loves to cook and spends a lot of time in the kitchen, so that seemed the wisest area of the house to focus on. I try not to stick too much to themes when doing a housewarming gift (you don't wanna be cheesy!), but you also don't want the gift to look like it was thrown together at the last minute. There are easy ways to avoid this, and the kitchen is a great room to focus on because there are tons of items people need for it.

1-First, I got a cookbook that I know E can use. She's a vegetarian, and loves to cook with fresh and healthy ingredients.
2-Next, something a little personal that I know will make her smile. She and I are both chocoholics, so I instantly thought of her when I saw these napkins. I think it's important to put in at least one or two items that will be special to the homeowner.
3-A succulent from Trader Joes was next because, unlike myself, Elissa has a very green thumb. Her garden is unbelievable! This will be perfect for her kitchen windowsill.
4-A tea towel from Anthropologie seemed like a must; they have such pretty ones. This one is gray with touches of gold, so it goes with almost any décor.
5-Hand soaps from Bath & Body Works for the kitchen sink. Pink Peonies & Pears is one of my favorite scents ever! These are one of my favorite items to put in a housewarming gift, because everyone can use them throughout the home.
6-A yummy smelling candle seemed like a nice addition; I love burning one in the kitchen, especially after a meal when I want a new, fresh smell.
7-Mrs. Meyers Dish Soap is a personal favorite that I hope E will like, too.
8-Room spray probably won't be for the kitchen, but I loved this Apricot & Pear scent so much that I had to put it in. :)

A few other tips for creating a housewarming gift:
-Use a basket or glass canister/jar to hold everything. It's really nice when a gift comes in something that can be used, too! This chalkboard basket came from Home Goods; it can be used in the pantry, laundry room, or even to hold books or magazines in the living room.
-Try to stick to a theme. As I said earlier, you don't have to color coordinate everything or go over the top with this. But you definitely don't want blueberry muffins sitting next to dish soap, if you get my drift.
-Focus on the homeowner's hobbies and interests. Your brother just moved into a new place, and he's Mr. Fix It? Think tools, painter's tape, work gloves, etc. As you would with any gift, try and pick items you know the recipient will use and enjoy.
-Visit your local TJ Maxx or Home Goods. Stores such as these usually have great products at a discounted price, so you can get even more things for your basket/jar!
-Don't stress! It truly is the thought that counts.

A few other theme ideas:
-Cupcake or Cookie Baking Supplies, for the friend that loves to bake. Think cupcake liners, spatula, oven mitt, cupcake mix, wooden spoon, measuring spoons, icing, etc.
-Dog/Cat Lovers Basket, for the friend that is a pet parent. Think treats, collar, dog food, cat toys, water dish, etc. Pets need to feel at home in their new place, too!
-Movie Night, for the family with young children. Think popcorn, several DVD's, bottled soda, boxed candy, etc. Putting it all in a big bowl for the popcorn would be cute, too!
-Garden/Yard Items, for the guy or gal with a green thumb. Think small shovel, potting soil, sunglasses, gloves, seeds, etc. Put it all in a large flower pot!
-BBQ Stuff, for the guy that loves to grill. Think charcoal, tongs, mitt, grilling cookbook, thermometer, beer, (manly) apron, etc.

Hope this helps when getting together your next housewarming gift! There are so many things you can do, and Pinterest is a life-saver, too.
Thanks for reading!
xo, Britt