sweet paris

shirt | scarf | jeans | bag | shoes | watch | sunnies | bag charm
on Bear: shoes (similar) | pants | shirt | bow tie

Yesterday afternoon, Bear and I went to brunch with our sweet friend Shelbi at Sweet Paris Creperie. As you can tell from the pictures, it was heavenly. Shelbi got a savory crepe with roasted turkey, french brie, green grapes, & walnuts, Bear got a cheese pizza crepe, and I got a s'mores crepe with nutella, torched marshmallows, graham crackers, & semi-sweet chocolate. Did I mention we got a latte & Nutella hot chocolate, too? Nothing like a good Saturday sugar high. Bear was feeling it too after snatching & eating all the marshmallows off my crepe.

There are three Sweet Paris locations in Houston; we went to the one in City Centre. The atmosphere was delightful and cheery; I felt like we were truly at a sidewalk café in Paris (not that I would know because I've never been but hey, I've seen movies). A girl sitting at the table next to us noticed Shelbi and I snapping pictures and asked if we were bloggers, which of course made us laugh. Is it that obvious? It reminded me of a line in the viral "Instagram Husband" video, "We used to eat our food...now we just take pictures of it". I promise, we ate! We ate a lot, especially Bear. He didn't hold off for pictures, either.

My friend Elissa made me laugh recently when she questioned the new brunching trend. "Why is everyone wearing around shirts that say 'brunch'? What's great about brunch? Why not 'supper' or 'lunch' or 'midnight snack'?"
She's right, brunch is definitely "in", as you can probably tell from your Instagram feed. Personally, I'm a brunch believer because I am absolutely not a morning person. As in, I don't do mornings well at all. Going to brunch rather than breakfast allows me to be a little nicer human and get a some extra sleep, both of which I'm a fan of. Also, mimosas. 'Nuff said.

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend, even if you did have to get up for breakfast.
xo, Britt

p.s. *The pictures taken outside are not in front of Sweet Paris, but a café across the street. The front of SP is very pretty but also very crowded!
p.p.s. Are you a bruncher? If so what's your favorite spot?