Less is More

necklace | shoes | pants | shirt | bag

Here’s the thing. I’m from Texas. So it was very hard for me to type that title and actually run with it. Everything is bigger and better down here, or so we say :). If you’ve kept up with this blog you know that I don’t always live by this motto, and sometimes more is definitely more. However, keeping an outfit simple is not only chic but also more comfortable, and this momma is all about the comfort. I do love my high heels, but nothing beats a good pair of chucks.

I’m obsessed with layered necklaces, and after some trial and error I’ve found that I prefer the style that is all attached with one clasp. I have some sets that were sold together but each necklace can be worn individually, and those just seem to tangle too much for my liking. If you’re looking for some, Charlotte Russe has them super cheap (2 for $10) and they’re surprisingly good quality. The one I’m wearing in these pictures is from there and I wear it all the time; it goes with everything and is a nice break from the bold statement necklaces I usually gravitate towards.

As to why less is actually more, I think there are many reasons. One is that often as women, we hide behind all kinds of make-up, accessories, giant sunglasses, and unnecessary layers of clothing to try and cover up our flaws. The truth is, so many of these “flaws” are what make us individuals; they’re what help us stand out in this big wide world. Even if you’re trying to conceal something not-so-attractive like muffin tops, chances are the harder you attempt to cover up, the more noticeable they will be (I know, I've tried). Find a simple fit that works for your body type and go crazy; trends fly out the window when it comes to proper and flattering fit.

Another example of less is more pertains to the persona of effortless style. My good friend Aimey had me read Lessons from Madame Chic and it has fantastic insight as to how French women are extremely low maintenance when it comes to beauty and style. And they’re some of the most gorgeous and fashionable women on the planet! Their use of minimalism is inspiring, and giving off the effect of “I woke up like this” is something I, for one, envy. I want to be that fresh faced and natural! But I will not reduce my closet to ten items (as the character did in said book). That’s where I draw the line.

Lastly, I’m going to revert back to the comfort point because that’s really where it’s at. Those days when I wear 4 blingy bracelets, a watch, and three rings all on one arm? I don’t love it. I mean I love to look at it, but it annoys me. I often take off my watch when I drive, and I rip those bracelets off like nobody’s business the minute I walk in the backdoor. Style is about looking polished and feeling comfortable in your own skin; that’s when true beauty is best displayed. You hate those 5 inch heels? Girl, wear the flats. No-one is judging and, in fact, we applaud your brain cells. Your toes are clapping, too. Don’t torture yourself for the sake of fashion; Lord knows I’ve done it (and continue to do so!) and I always regret when I do. Fancy jewelry and designer handbags don’t make an outfit, the way you carry yourself and the confidence you exude does. Remember that those “flaws” are what make you special! Mine are just plain flaws, and that’s why I’m thankful for Photoshop. But yours…yours are awesome. :)

xo, Britt