leopard lady

similar coat | leggings | OTK boots | bag | earrings | sunnies

Y'all know by now that I love a good pop of leopard print and when I saw this coat a few weeks back, I had to have it. The reason I couldn't link this exact one is because I actually found it in the little girl's department at Dillard's- it's a size 10/12 (I probably needed a 14/16 but this was all they had). We live close to a Dillard's Outlet and the sales are incredible, so I'm always running in there to see what treasures I can find. That's where about 95% of Bear's wardrobe comes from, bow ties and all. Speaking of Dillard's, they are currently having an additional 50% off of all sale prices (which they never do) so now is the time to do some major Christmas shopping!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! We made the 8 hour drive home yesterday (where I tortured Zach with Christmas music 7 out of the 8 hours) and today has been a total cleaning/catching up on all the things kind of day. We've had sickness after sickness in our fam it seems like; poor Bear can't catch a break. After being sick several times over the past month with stomach bugs, he woke up yesterday with a sore and raspy throat. We took him to the clinic this morning and sure enough, he tested positive for strep throat. I've had an ongoing double ear infection for almost two weeks, so I had to get a different antibiotic, and the doctor went ahead and prescribed Zach an antibiotic because she said we'll both more than likely catch strep, too. Fun times! Bear has spent the entire day in bed watching cartoons; I went in and asked him if he wanted a snack a minute ago and he said, "No thank you, because I'm sick". Like, duh Mommy. My heart breaks when my baby is sick, so I hope the meds kick in soon. I could care less if I catch it- I'm still gonna snuggle my little man as much as possible.

Is anyone else excited for Cyber Monday?! My alarm is already set- I can't wait to shop the sales! There are still a ton of great Black Friday deals going on listed out here in case you missed the last post. I just ordered these Hunter boots for Bear to match some that I think Santa is bringing me. I've been pretty good this year but you never know :). 
Happy Shopping!
xo, Britt