Valentine teacher gift

Y'all know I am a sucker for all things holiday-related and will take any excuse to make a sweet treat. My friend Sally contacted me about doing a Valentine link-up and I was so excited; go check out her blog and the cutest Valentines her daughter made! They're seriously adorable.

Bear and I woke up early yesterday to make a few things for the playdate we were having, and decided we'd give all the extra cookies to his MDO teachers. These are so easy to make and perfect for letting little toddler hands help out.

We make these little ladies every year, mostly because Bear devours them and asks for more for the next 364 days. We take pink wafer cookies, dip them into white chocolate, and add sprinkles and candy lips before the chocolate dries. I've found that Candiquik chocolate works best; it even melts in the tray it comes in leaving minimal clean-up. We find it at Target or HEB. The candy lips are from HEB as well. Then we use black gel icing to add eyes, and we printed these tags to tape on the buckets. Really easy, fun, and yummy!

Bear's teachers had big smiles when he handed these over this morning. I love teaching him that giving is more fun than receiving, and little surprises can make someone's day. I mean receiving is really great too, don't get me wrong. I love receiving, just ask Zach. But sharing our time, effort, and love with others brings unmeasurable joy.

Be sure and check out Wandering Manloves for more fun Valentine's Day ideas!
xo, Britt