caps, cuts, & cake

similar hat | jeans | shoes | watch | sunnies | similar shirt | blazer
on Bear: pants | shoes | shirt | cap

I'm looking at these pictures and finding myself in complete denial that my "baby" has gotten so big. The days fly by and I can't believe that he'll be four later this year. Aaaaand changing the subject now...

We had our third emergency room trip last weekend; that's not too bad, right? Equals out to one a year. Anyway, Bear was playing in the living room Sunday morning when he slipped on the rug and went head first into the corner of the coffee table. It bled a lot, as cuts to the head usually do, and didn't seem to want to close up or stop bleeding. Luckily the doctor was able to glue the cut together and Bear will likely have a nice little Harry Potter scar. He was so tough and brave, Zach and I were both in tears and Bear was more of a trooper than we were (good thing Zach never reads this blog).

One of Bear's best friends had a birthday party that afternoon, and he was not going to miss it. His clothes were all bloody so we made a Walmart run for clean attire and went straight to the party. Now that's a dedicated friend. That, or he just really wanted chocolate cake. Either way, we were proud of him.

I can't wait to share some really exciting news later this week.....involving a dream job! If you're in our playgroup and you're reading this: no, I am not pregnant. Though being a momma is pretty much the dream job, ER trips and all. 

xo, Britt